FTC to Announce Enforcement Action against Largest International Real Estate Investment Scheme the Agency Has Ever Encountered

The Federal Trade Commission will hold a press conference on Thursday, November 8 at 11 am in Washington, DC, to announce a law enforcement action against the largest-ever international real estate investment scheme the agency has encountered. The Commission estimates that to date hundreds of consumers have lost more than $100 million to the illegal scheme.

WHAT: Press conference to announce FTC action regarding an allegedly illegal international real estate investment scheme
WHO: James Kohm, Assistant Director, FTC’s Division of Enforcement

Consumer affected by the alleged scheme

WHEN: Thursday, Nov. 8, 2018, 11 am ET
(Doors will open at 10:45 am ET)
WHERE: FTC Headquarters, 600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20580
WEBCAST: The event will be webcast live. A link to the webcast will be available at ftc.gov on Thursday morning.
MEDIA CONTACT: Mitchell J. Katz
FTC Office of Public Affairs

Reporters unable to attend the event can dial in to listen and ask questions. The call-in number is 1-800-288-8961, and the confirmation number is 456727. The host is Bruce Jennings. Lines will open at 10:45 am ET. Call-in lines are for reporters only. All media attending the press conference must have a valid photo ID to access the building.

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