FTC Staff Submits Comment to CFPB on Proposed Debt Collection Rules

In a comment to the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), staff of the Federal Trade Commission provided feedback on a number of proposed rules that implement the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA).

In the comment, FTC staff notes that the Commission has long advocated for amendments and clarifications to existing laws to account for changes both in the debt collection marketplace and consumer technology since the FDCPA was passed in 1977. The comment also describes the Commission’s law enforcement, policy, and education efforts to protect consumers from unlawful debt collection practices.

FTC staff comments on several components of the proposed rules, including changes that would improve the types of information debt collectors are required to provide to people from whom they are attempting to collect and how, when, and where collectors are allowed to make contact with consumers. The comment also addresses issues around debt that has passed the statute of limitations, the sale and transfer of debt, the collection of debts involving people who are deceased, and restrictions on the disclosure of information about debt to third parties.

The FTC staff submitted its comment in response to the CFPB’s Proposed Rule with Request for Public Comment, issued on May 7, 2019.

The Commission vote approving submission of the comment to the CFPB was 5-0.

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