Real-Time Protection is a Premium feature available in Malwarebytes on Windows, Mac, Android, and Chromebook devices. Depending on your operating system, Real-Time Protection can block malware, exploits, ransomware, or malicious websites. To confirm Real-Time Protection is on or off, open the Malwarebytes application on your Windows, Mac, or Android device and view your Dashboard or refer to the instructions below.
Malwarebytes for Windows
Windows computers receive real-time malware, exploit, and malicious website protection from Malwarebytes Premium. Ransomware protection is available on Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1, and Windows 10.
- Open Malwarebytes for Windows.
- Click Settings.
- Click Protection, then refer the settings under Real-Time Protection to see which protection is on, off, or unavailable.
Malwarebytes for Mac
Mac computers receive real-time malware protection from Malwarebytes Premium.
- Open Malwarebytes for Mac.
- Click Dashboard.
- To the right of the Dashboard, look under Real-Time Protection to confirm protection is on or off.
Malwarebytes for Android and Chromebook
When activated, Malwarebytes Premium on Android or Chromebook automatically enables malware and ransomware protection.
- From your Android or Google Play supporting Chromebook device, open Malwarebytes.
- Tap the menu
icon, scroll down, then tap Settings.
- Tap Protection.
- Confirm there’s a checkbox next to Real-time protection and Anti-Ransomware protection.
Real-Time Protection is more effective with all protection layers turned on. If any Real-Time Protection layers are turned off, we recommend turning them on as soon as possible. For help protecting your devices, refer to the article Turn Real-Time Protection on or off.