Check Malwarebytes for Mac Version Number

Not sure what version of Malwarebytes for Mac you currently have? This article will teach you where you can find your Malwarebytes version number on your Mac computer.


You will need to have Malwarebytes for Mac installed in order to follow these steps.


Find Your Malwarebytes for Mac Version Number


  1. Click the Launchpad icon located in the Dock section of your desktop.
    Image of Launchpad icon located on the Mac desktop
  2. Find the Malwarebytes icon in the pop-up Launchpad window. Click on the icon to open Malwarebytes for Mac.
    Image of Malwarebytes icon from the Launchpad.
  3. Click Malwarebytes from the top left of your screen > click About Malwarebytes from the drop down menu.

    Image of Malwarebytes drop down menu from the Mac Application menu.

  4. Your Malwarebyte’s current version number is shown in the pop up window, highlighted below.

    Image highlighting the current Malwarebytes version number located under Version Information.



If you want to ensure your Malwarebytes is up to date, visit Upgrade to the latest version of Malwarebytes for Mac for details.

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