COVID-19: Coming together (while staying apart) is more important than ever

Over the past month, irrespective of who or where you are, it’s evident that our world is changing as we respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether allowing employees to work remotely, advancing groundbreaking medical research, facilitating distance learning for students, or helping maintain relationships with friends and loved ones, technology is playing a more important role in our lives than ever. Unfortunately, there are some who seek to take advantage of this expanded reliance on technology. Responding to this elevated risk of cyberthreats requires that we adopt new practices, tools and techniques to cope with a proliferation of cybercriminals seeking to wreak havoc or make a quick buck.

Over recent weeks, the Cybersecurity Tech Accord signatories have seen the COVID-19 pandemic being purposefully used to take advantage of the most vulnerable. Panda has found evidence of an ATP using the pandemic in a spearfishing campaign against public sector entities. Microsoft has fought against human-operated ransomware attacks looking for vulnerable systems, and we collectively saw reports of attacking against the World Health Organization, and even hospitals. It is more important than ever for companies, governments and consumers to remember that maintaining a strong cyber security posture is the best line of defense to protect our online environment. It’s in everyone’s interest, and we all have a part to play.

As part of the
Cybersecurity Tech Accord principles, signatories are committed to helping
empower users, customers and developers to strengthen their cybersecurity
protections. Many signatories (and others) have provided resources, tips and suggestions
on how to act securely and safely online in today’s elevated threat environment,
as well as offered access to tools to help. Rather than reinventing the wheel,
we have collected these resources in one place (below). The list is not
exhaustive as companies are adding new resources and insights daily; however,
we hope it represents useful resources for:

  • Protecting against phishing attacks, scams and disinformation;
  • Supporting emergency response;
  • Facilitating distanced learning;
  • Working from home securely and efficiently.

Today, the Cybersecurity
Tech Accord signatories are first and foremost focused on protecting their
employees and their families, supporting our customers and partners and striving
to protect the health and well-being of the communities in which we operate. Our
thoughts are with those who have been impacted by COVID-19 and the medical
professionals, first responders and others who are working around the clock to
help those in need. We are committed to playing our part to help ensure that
this important work proceeds smoothly and unhindered by those looking to take
advantage of the situation by undermining cybersecurity. We hope you find these
resources helpful.

yourself from phishing attacks, scams, and disinformation

emergency response

Underpinning remote education

Work from
home securely and efficiently

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