Malwarebytes for Android & Chrome OS Product Lifecycle

Version Status GA Date End of Sale End of Maintenance End of Life Supported OS Changes
3.5 Active 11/12/18
3.4.2 Active 10/02/18 11/12/18 11/12/18 5/12/19
3.4.1 Active 09/18/18 10/02/18 10/02/18 04/02/19
3.4 Active 08/09/18 09/18/18 09/18/18 03/18/19
3.3.1 Active 06/20/18 08/09/18 08/09/18 02/09/19
3.3 Active 05/17/18 06/20/18 06/20/18 12/20/18
3.2.1 Legacy 03/05/18 05/17/18 05/17/18 11/17/18
3.2 Legacy 02/15/18 03/05/18 03/05/18 09/05/18
3.1.1 Legacy 12/21/17 02/15/18 02/15/18 08/15/18
3.1.0 Legacy 10/19/17 12/21/17 12/21/17 06/21/18
3.0.0 Legacy 08/14/17 10/19/17 10/19/17 04/19/18


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