EVENT | Reception marking the United Nations discussions on cybersecurity

Tuesday, 3 December 2019, Starting 6.15 pm
Irish Mission to the United Nations, New York

On 3 December 2019, the Permanent Representation of Ireland to the United Nations (UN) and the Cybersecurity Tech Accord will host a reception to mark the intersessional meeting of the UN Open-ended Working Group (OEWG) on developments in the field of information and communications technology in the context of international security.

The OEWG intersessional meeting taking place between 2 and 4 December marks an important milestone for the cybersecurity community. It underlines the importance of the topic to the UN member states, but also for the first time opens the doors to voices from the multistakholder community, building a path for meaningful interactions on this topic in the future.

H.E. Ambassador Geraldine Byrne Nason, Irish Mission, and Elad Yoran, Executive Chairman, Koolspan for Cybersecurity Tech Accord, will welcome the participants and kick start an evening of informal discussions amongst the participants to the UN dialogues, from across governments, industry, and civil society.

For further information and should you want to register to the event, please reach out to info@cybertechaccord.org

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